Medical Rural Outreach in Auramo Village, Ringim, Jigawa State

Report on my 3rd Community Development Service (CDS) Project.
Medical Rural Outreach and Public Seminar/Community Dialogue in Auramo Village, Ringim L. G. A.

Description and Aim
 This was a 1 day medical rural outreach and public seminar in one of the villages under Ringim Local Government. The public seminar was on the findings of the 1st Community Development Service project; Anaemia in pregnancy and Eclampsia. It aimed at taking the information on common medical illnesses to grass root level so as to increase awareness and encourage early hospital presentation. It also aimed at taking healthcare to the rural community who for financial constraints cannot make it to the nearest health institution. Approval for this project was obtained from the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) Jigawa State Secretariat after due consultation with The Ringim Committee of Friends (RINCOF).

Corper Chris
Program Proper
The program started at 11:30am with an opening prayer by Mal Surajo Auramo. It was then followed by welcoming of the guests by the Area Inspector, NYSC, Mr Mustapha Boyi Ringim; An opening speech by The Zonal Inspector, NYSC, Mr Bashir Usman; Explanation of the purpose of the outreach by Physiotherapist Abdulwalid Abdulrahman; The lecture on Anaemia in pregnancy and Eclampsia by Mrs. Sekinat Sha’aibu of Ringim General Hospital; Declaration of program open and 1st drug dispensation by Alhaji Ahmed Mahmud (Wambai Ringim), District Head of Ringim who represented the Emir of Ringim, the outreach proper, refreshment and finally vote of thanks by the Project Coordinator. The program eventually ended around 3:00pm.
The Mini Laboratory

 There were 4 stations in all involving:
1. The Clinics which was divided into 3 substations, 2 for women and children and 1 for men.
2. The Anthropometry centre for assessment of nutritional status via Weight for Age and Mid Upper Arm Circumference for Age.
3. The Laboratory for random blood sugar to screen for Diabetes Mellitus and urine analysis to screen for both Diabetes Mellitus and Proteinuria.
4. The Pharmacy for drug dispensation which include antihypertensives, antibiotics, heamatinics, antiworms, antiulcer and analgesics.

 Diseases that were treated included the common medical illnesses that could be handled at the outreach centre which include gastroenteritis/diarrhoeal diseases, respiratory tract infections, malaria, mild to moderate anaemia, mild to moderate hypertension, helminthiasis, peptic ulcer disease, osteoarthritis, vaginal candidiasis and pelvic inflammatory diseases. Illnesses beyond the scope of the outreach were referred to the Ringim Gunduma General Hospital. Samples were collected from children with overwhelming skin infections and sent to the National Programme on Immunization office, Ringim Zone for further analysis. Attendants were also encouraged to report to the hospital for further management.
 The program was a worthwhile event as evidenced by the mass turn out at the occasion. My recommendations include:
1. Health literacy is an important component of health communication thus, similar outreaches should be held quarterly so as to increase the awareness of the masses on the commonest medical illnesses in their municipality.
2. Partnerships should be developed with science teachers and school nurses to introduce health related tasks into their curriculum.
3. The National Youth Service Corp scheme should introduce a medical arm consisting of corper health workers who will carry out mobile clinics in rural areas.
4. Individuals, government and non-governmental agencies should be involved in health development at the grass root level.

Corper volunteers
Other corpers who volunteered themselves to the actualization of this project include the following:

1. Dr Keke Uzoamaka Vivian
2. Dr Lotachukwu Ugwu
3. Pharmacist Emordi Chukwuka Vast
4. Nurse Joke Asunmo
5. Nurse Deborah Fouke Olaloye
6. Laboratory Scientist Iwuchukwu Blessing Chima
7. Physiotherapist Abdulwalid Abdulrahman
8. Mr. Michael Osas Igbinigun
9. Mrs. Chusunum Fountain Idedge
10. Miss Peace Onyinyechukwu Okeke
11. Miss Evelyn Ndidi Ubaka
List of Attendees
1. Alhaji Ahmed Mahmud (Wambai Ringim), District Head of Ringim representing the Emir of Ringim.
2. Malam Surajo Auramo (Majidadi), District Head of Auramo.
3. Mr Bashir Usman, Gumel Zonal Inspector, NYSC.
4. Mr Mustapha Boyi Ringim Ringim Area Inspector, NYSC.
5. Alhaji Abbas A. Abbas, the Provost, Jigawa State School of Islamic and Legal Studies, Ringim.
6. Alhaji Kabiru Mohammed, member, State House Committee on Health representing the Deputy Speaker.
7. Malam Malami Taura, Deputy Director, Gunduma Health System Board, Hadeja Zone representing the Director.
8. Alhaji Rabi’u Sha’aibu, Head, Muslim Brothers Association, Jigawa State.
9. Alhaji Nura Ahmed, representative of Ringim Committee of Friends.
10. Alhaji Umar Farouk, representative of Ringim Cpmmittee of Friends.
11. Malam Ado Ringim, focal person, National Programme on Immunization, Ringim Zone.
12. Dr Abubakari, Senior Medical Officer in Charge, Ringim Gunduma General Hospital.
13. Mrs. Sekinat Sha’aibu of Ringim General Hospital, Lecturer.
14. Information Officer, Ringim Local Government.
15. Malam Aminu Yahaya.


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