Spelling Bee Competition For Junior Secondary Schools in Ringim

Report on my 2nd Community Development Service Project.
Spelling Bee Competition amongst Junior Secondary Schools in Ringim Local Government
Osuafor Christopher Nnaemeka

Description and Aim
 This was an English language spelling competition amongst all the students of junior secondary schools in Ringim local government. It focused on the need to create a healthy platform for interschool challenge at local government level. It also aimed at enhancing the power of communication and usage of English language among students. Approval for this project was obtained both from the Ringim Local Government Education Authority (RLGEA) and the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) Jigawa State Secretariat.

Schools Involved
The schools covered in this completion as obtained from the Ringim local government education authority include:
Corper Chris, an english teacher and 2 rep students
1. J. S. S Galadnachi
2. J. S. S. Auramo
3. J. S. S. Vocational
4. J. S. S. Boarding Primary School
5. J. A. S. S. Ringim
6. J. S. S. Sankara
7. J. S. S. Beguwa
8. J. S. S. Karshi
9. J. S. S. Ganjingebi
10. J. S. S. Dabi
11. J. S. S. Gasakole
12. J. S. S. Sintilmawa
13. J. S. S. Chaichai
14. J. S. S. Yandutse
The preliminary completion was done in the respective schools to bring out the best two students that will represent their respective schools for the grand finale.

Grand Finale
The grand finale was held on Saturday, 26th of June, 2010 at the Prof. Ruqaiyat A. Rufa’i Hall, Jigawa State School of Islamic and Legal Studies, Ringim. The program started at 10:30am. All schools attended except J. S. S. Galadnachi. The principals and English teachers of the various schools involved were there present. It started with an opening prayer by Malam Rabi’u Sha’aibu Ringim; opening speech by the NYSC Area Inspector, Ringim Local Government, Mr. Mustapha Ringim; the competition proper moderated by Mr. Michael Osas Igbinigun; presentation of gifts by Alhaji Nura a representative of the RLGEA; refreshment, vote of thanks by the project coordinator and a closing prayer by Pharm Sam Ene. The competition was done in 2 phases, the knock-out and the finals.

Final Positions
 The first five schools emerged as follows:
1st J. S. S. Sankara
2nd J. S. S. Vocational
3rd J. S. S. Yandutse
4th J. S. S. Auramo
5th J. S. S. Sintilmawa
Gifts given out included cash award, exercise books, pens and pencils.
Special gifts came from the Ringim Committee of Friends (RINCOF) to the best two students and the best school. These gifts were presented by Malam Shehu D. Ringim and Malam Salisu Musa Ringim, representatives of RINCOF.

 The program was a worthwhile event as evidenced by the mass turn out at the occasion. My recommendations include:
1. Such a competition should be held annually to foster the habit of healthy competition among junior secondary youths.
2. Still many schools lack adequate manpower and thus more corpers should be mobilized to schools especially in English language tutoring.
3. Government and Non-governmental agencies should be involved in education development at the grassroot level.
4. The horizon of this competition should be broadened beyond the scope of the local government such as to involve the whole state under the auspices of the Jigawa State Ministry of Education.

Corper volunteers
Other corpers who volunteered themselves to the actualization of this project include the following:
1. Mr. Michael Osas Igbinigun
2. Mrs. Chusunum Fountain Idedge
3. Miss Peace Onyinyechukwu Okeke


  1. Wow, Love this work. A good initiative. We need to talk.

  2. X- do you have a video recording of this event? -- Michael Osas Igbinigun

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Surprisingly no, it seems we only took pictures, and most of the pictures went AWOL...


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