After the Hashtags, 2020 is ending well...

After the deaths, #BLM, #BLMUK, #BAME, #BME, #Covid, #racism, #antiracism, #diversity #BIPOC acronyms and hasthtags (acceptable and unacceptable language) haven't been in vain.

General Medical Council

Preventing and addressing racial harassment

Tackling racial harassment in Higher Education

University of Cambridge Race Equality Plan for Action

Royal College of Physicians

National Health Service

And lots more. Some are still in the pipeline. So much has happened, changed, improved, been promised, including new reports and new job roles...

Pwc inclusion report

At PwC, diversity and inclusiveness are huge priorities for us

Royal College of Physicians

black and south Asian communities Type 2 diabetes

Certainly, these conversations have been going on a loooooooooooooong time, with very little momentum (and sometimes, plain old lip service)...

Now we have all the publications in social and health journals and in the media...

BBC Apprenticeship Program

No doubt #COVID19, #GeorgeFloyd, #SayTheirNames and #BLM tipped the balance in favour of these conversations, bringing about a sense of urgency and accelerated changes...

Now we focus on implementation, monitoring, accountability …

Now the real work starts!💪💪


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