Since Covid-19... Petitions and Letters

Since Covid-19, we’ve had:

Shane Longton: Petition to increase pay for NHS healthcare workers.

Daniel Crickmore: Petition to reduce or scrap the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) for overseas NHS Staff. 

Dr Preet Shah: Petition to incentivise NHS staff by making wages untaxable.

Dr Gillian Sare: Petition to give non-British citizens who are NHS workers automatic citizenship.

Luke Evershed: Petition to make hazard pay mandatory for key workers. 

Alain Catzeflis: Petition to #ScrapTheSurcharge ie IHS.

MANSAG: Letter to Home Office to appeal against deportation of family members of Tier 2 healthcare workers who die at the frontline and removal of IHS.

BAPIO: Letter to Home Office re Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) for international Healthcare workers and investigation of deaths.

Christine Jardine MP Edinburgh West and David Lammy MP Tottenham: Letter to Priti Patel to give foreign nationals in NHS Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), along with 60 other MPs. 

BMA: Letter to home office re Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) and IHS.

Public Figures: Call for public inquiry into BAME death risk.

Individuals and Other groups: Letters to their respective MPs and the Home Office.

RCP: Call to the government to create a new deal for International NHS and Social Care staff, exemption from IHS, Indefinite Leave to Remain and visa extension to social care staff.

RCN: Call for the IHS not to be extended to EU nationals after brexit.

While we wait for the government’s response to all the above, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to write to your MP.

Or do YOU think nothing will change?

Meanwhile, shouldn't employers and hospital trusts get involved?

Aluta Continua!


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